Weekend trip - Morgan Weekend trip - Morganundefined undefined, undefined / 0 Comments With the curtains and pelmets now all freshly updated....and a busy few weeks of surface rust removal on the undercarriage it was time
The Make-over begins... The Make-over begins...undefined undefined, undefined / 0 Comments This week we settled into some heavy duty jobs making Winnie more our own. We decided the curtains..pelmets and bed head were something
Mini trip -Fleurieu Mini trip -Fleurieu undefined undefined, undefined / 0 Comments It was ours.... and now we had the task of making it FEEL like ours. The 'bones' were in great condition.... but it
We had an idea.... We had an idea....undefined undefined, undefined / 0 Comments We thought to ourselves... perhaps down the track a Motorhome would be a great idea. So we listed off the Pros and Cons...and